
Newburyport Clippers Girls Soccer '07

Ipswich soccer coach offers apologies to Newburyport

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Friday, October, 19 By Dan Guttenplan
Staff writer

Ipswich soccer coach Manny Lopes issued a written apology to Newburyport girls soccer coach Robb Gonnam yesterday, only days after he alleged the Clippers coach recruited players from outside the Newburyport area.

"Unfortunately this time I made some 'off the cuff' unsubstantiated remarks about the Newburyport program that I don't believe to be true | nor would I ever repeat again," Lopes wrote. "My only explanation for these remarks is that it came from the frustration of having to go play one of the best teams in the (Cape Ann League), knowing full well what the possible outcome would be."

Lopes was quoted in last Thursday's Ipswich Chronicle, saying Newburyport "uses school choice to its extreme by 'recruiting' players from their coach's club team." He added, "Eighty percent (of the players) on the Newburyport roster (do) not reside in Newburyport."

Lopes claims he made the remarks to an Ipswich Chronicle reporter prior to his team's game at Newburyport Oct. 9. The Tigers lost that game, 9-3.

Lopes' claims his frustration stemmed from the fact that Newburyport has dominated Cape Ann League play since he took over as Ipswich coach last fall. Since his arrival, Newburyport has posted a record of 34-3-1 compared to Ipswich's mark of 12-17-3.

"I have the utmost respect for each and every player on the Newburyport soccer team as I do for every player that my team competes against," Lopes wrote. "At the time, I believed I was making these comments 'off the record' and it was never my intention for them to be published anywhere | never mind becoming the topic of conversation for the past three days."

Lopes asserted Gonnam recruited players from two club teams he coaches year-round, the SC Vikings Under-17 and Under-16 teams. Gonnam also coaches a Newburyport youth soccer team. All of his coaching endeavors are considered allowable by the Mass. Interscholastic Athletic Assocation.

In the wake of the allegations, Newburyport Principal Michael Parent defended his coach by noting only seven of the 47 players on Newburyport's junior varsity and varsity teams are non-Newburyport residents.

"We're not recruiting in any sport," Parent said. Lopes said yesterday he has sent apology letters to Gonnam, Parent, athletic director John Daileanes and Newburyport Superintendent Kevin Lyons. His letter also offered apologies to Newburyport High students, parents and teachers.

"I do realize the effect this has had on everyone involved," Lopes wrote. "Lastly I do want to make it perfectly understood that these comments were an error on my part and do not express the feelings of Ipswich High School or any of its administrators."

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